I know I am horrible at keeping this updated, to be honest I have also been nigh on horrible at keeping up sewing. I have had job issues, personal issues and gotten in a rut. Now though I think I am out having several projects to bring you up to speed on and also this the newest of the Angelic Cow Challenges, which I am calling the “small stuff blitzkrieg”.
So first of all where it has come from. I went through some patterns that my mother had stored away whilst I was spending much quality time with her. To be honest this is because I was working in the same area but it was nice non the less. So I found in amongst the plethora of bad 80’s fashion and subdued yet dowdy 90’s horrors a few patterns worth maybe having a go at. Two of them were simple skirts which I grabbed owing to having the “Pheasant Plucker” fabric I had bought on a whim of ebay sitting at home.
The Pheasant Plucker fabric is indeed a weird lime tinged/brown/Gold mixture picturing pheasants. When I bought it I had no idea how big the pheasants were, apparently quite big would have been the answer to that question. This left me with no choice but a simple a-line skirt for which I had no patterns. That is until I raided mothers stash.
And so despite issues such as the majority of pattern pieces missing in both skirt patterns I managed to piece the two patterns together to come up with something highly reminiscent of one of the pictures on the pattern fronts. Hence within 2 hours of arsing around the Pheasant Plucker skirt was sewn into being.
(side note I call it the pheasant plucker material because it is funnier than just pheasant skirt. It’s an old tongue twister that makes you say naughty words)
In any case the point being that now I like skirts. The second thing that brought on this idea (remembering that small things can come together start to finish in around an hour) is that Stash mountain (which is again looking very unnervingly disorganised and has done since I moved in January) is getting a little out of hand. A lot of the stuff in stash mountain is unfortunately there due to it being off cuts to small to “use” and too big to throw. I figure with the right kind of vigour I could desecrate the peak of the mountain and make me some funky skirts, shorts, and tops.
So the answer came to me Angelic Cow will be doing their first ever Small Stuff Blitzkrieg the rules of which are.
1. Collect all fabric under 1.5m from stash mountain and stash molehill respectively
2. Collect any patterns for small things (shirts, shorts, skirts) that require less than 1.5m to make
3. Start at 7pm end whenever we feel like it on a Friday night and see how many items we can make between us.
The date is set for tonight and I think we will have an awesome pasta dish to put forth the energy needed to really tackle this head on. I will be sorting out my first two points as soon as I get home (oh and after I upload a pheasant plucker photo for you to enjoy.)