To be entirely honest I don't know how many people would even be interested in this type of post but it seems as good a place as any to start documenting how things have gone and where I want them to go so read on if interested and ignore if not.
March Goals
For March I was supposed to get done my Renaissance Dress and My Hoop, neither of which happened. I did however manage to get finished two unfinished projects and a new 1920's 1hr Dress as well as complete the layover 40's dress from February. I know that last one is technically not finished but buttons will happen when I find them and no sooner. I also am most of the way through sorting out my stash and documenting what I have so that is another win.
Finished Project 2, turned into an 1860's ish dress with a matching bonnet and a pleated underskirt. The underskirt will be very useful as a petticoat for all my hoop projects though I will need to finish the hoop more on that later. I was very pleased with the rework, more pleased than I was with the original design. Having worn it today however I do think that the green dress needs something more on its hem, so whilst I am leaving it for now as functionally finished don't be surprised if it finds its way back for more embellishments.
New Project was the 1920's 1 hour dress for my niece. This is the one that I am most happy with from this month probably because it caused me pain to get to where it was done but in then end was so pretty and worked so well. I may tackle more 1 hour dresses in future.
Stash Fabric Used - technically I did get rid of 3m of satin though it was not used in a finished product it was attempt 1 of the 1 hour dress and we shall call it a mock up because it sounds more encouraging than a cock up. Down side is that I did not really get through a lot of the stash in this month and instead did have to buy more fabric than I would like and should therefore plan for better busting projects moving forward. I did use up some green ribbon, ivory ribbon and white cotton lace from the trim stash so that's something at least
April Plans
April has some must have plans as well as some desires. Thanks to the cleaning out of my stash I have so many projects that I have remembered I have fabric for so I should see some stash busting in this month.
Skills to work on include drafting my basic block using the corset and stays instructions (at this time) and attempting to fit that block for future use. Drafting one stay or corset from the afore mentioned books and hopefully seeing that through to first mock up.
Project 1 will be a 1930's ensemble for a party at the beginning of May. I have had the fabric for a good many years now with this plan in mind so it will be good to get through that and also necessity for the theme of the high tea I am to attend. It will need some resizing and fitting so I plan on actually doing this properly this time.
Project 2 will be the hoop, I know it needs to be done I have the fabric chosen pattern traced and just need a nice day to cut metal outside (this is not an inside task).
Project 3 will be the renaissance dress, there has been some start on preparations but long story short I have the entire requirements and will be need to start putting the dress together. This may be a project over a couple of months because the embellishments are quite involved.
Bonus Projects wearable block dress based on the skills above, 1950's spotted dress, 1940's tropical crepe dress all of which fabric has been acquired for. I also have earmarked an unfinished 1940's dress from late 2015 in my unfinished pile.